
Getting Back To Blogging

 Hi, Everyone I have been grossly neglectful in maintaining and keeping up this blog. So much life and transitions have happened since the last time I was on here. I've gotten older, my parents are now ancestors and I made the move from New York back down to the South, now here in Coastal Virginia for a fresh start, new chapter and more importantly peaceful living.  I'm committing to doing and being better at blogging. Look for new content and fresh perspectives. Yes, I'll give my take on current events and issues but I'll be celebrating life's joys and successes too and I hope you'll join me. Thanks for rocking with me. Thanks for your patience and if you left, come back and bring folks with you and let's grow together.  Peace & Blessings, Bettine 

Presidential Inauguration Invitation

History in the making, again!!! So grateful and blessed...

Happy New Year!


Accept Your Own & Be Yourself!


Life In Perilous Times

These are truly life in perilous times. No one and nothing is safe. People are losing their minds and adults and children are losing their lives--mercilessly, senselessly as emotions go from grief to rage to full blown fury. What we witness with these violent, repulsive acts of evil shake us down to our very core, honestly begs the question do you really know who's living next door? You know, the sweet kid, the loving kid, the he-would-never-hurt-a-fly kid, so quiet, so humble, even shy, so shocked we become at the brutality of their crimes.  What is it about us as human beings that we don't value life? There is a political undertone in everything. We scream, we holler, we vent, we point fingers at and blame the President. People are dying-young and old, the Brady Bill was passed in 1993 sits idle and we have no progress on gun control. Who's really at fault?  Congress? Senate? Right winged conservatives? or the N.R.A. who say their second amendment rights are being taken

The True Definition Of Enlightened Ignorance

Main Entry: enlightened Function: adjective Date: 1652 1 : freed from ignorance and misinformation 2 : based on full comprehension of the problems involved Main Entry: ig·no·rance Pronunciation: \ˈig-n(-)rn(t)s\ Function: noun Date: 13th century : the state or fact of being ignorant : lack of knowledge, education, or awareness. I posted these definitions in response to someone's name on Instagram. He got pissed and decided to call me everything in the book because I said that you cannot be enlightened and ignorant at the same time. I said that if you are enlightened and ignorant that makes you a fool. These definitions prove my point. Calling me everything in the book doesn't hurt or upset me because I'm not taking anything at face value, I'm stating actual facts. Take it or leave it alone. To the brother who got so upset, maybe these definitions will give you a different perspective about yourself or the context in which these words are used.

SHOCK OF THE HOUR: President Obama Re-elected To Second Term; GOP, Pundits Dumbfounded As Voter Suppression Attempts Fail

In one of the most closely watched elections in recent memory, President Barack Obama was re-elected to a second term in the White House. Voters turned out en mass to cast their ballots despite extremely long lines, Hurricane Sandy and its aftermath, and repeated attempts and reports of voter suppression by Republicans to thwart the election. Unbought and unbossed, President Obama beat Republican challenger Mitt Romney the former governor of Massachusetts who along with his running mate, Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan appeared as staunch relics of old school Republican ideology and values replete with the tale of two Americas-one for the rich and one for the poor. Romney's repeated gaffes, constant flip flopping on the issues reminiscent of a chameleon candidate, repeated reference to the 'Five Point Plan' that wasn't, tenure at Bain Capital, secrecy surrounding his tax returns, and hidden camera comments regarding the 47% of the country ultimately proved to be his un